Friday, July 6, 2012

Hey there,
Eveything has been fine for a while now. The last WIC appointment in late may? showed that Lance is finally past the low weight issues. I have still been having a kinda hard time keeping up with the amount he drinks at daycare but i'm managing it. I finally got some mother's milk tea. I saw it on sale at Safeway so I picked some up. it tastes pretty good and I have to be careful not to drink too much or risk super full boob syndrome.

Lance is almost a year old already! We'll see how the birthday thing goes...

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Doing better, Chris still sick

Hi all! We are all doing somewhat better over here. All of the buby's weight issues are pretty much solved. School is almost over and although I still have a few things to catch up it's not as many as I thought I had. We all went to anime night last week which was fun. It pretty much wiped out Hubby's energy though. Looks like he wont be back to normal until next term. Baby is learning and growing very fast. I think we'll find out he has grown 4 inches or something the next time he is measured. Hes already standing on his own from time to time and sometimes would prefer to play on his own instead of being held. I set up his crib in the back room so he has been sleeping there for the first half of the past 3 nights. The plan is to get him sleeping through the night on his own before next term starts.

Well, I guess that's all for this post....Have fun everybody!

Sunday, February 19, 2012

The Buby and Flax

      Ok, so people that know me are aware that I have a 6mo old boy who is underweight. His weight is the only concern since he is still on track for length and development. He had started being really fussy at the breast and wanted to eat every hour. I was really starting to get anxious about our breastfeeding and have been stressed out over trying to get everything done as far as school, housework, homework, meals, and relationship time which I know was not helping my milk supply. We have been going to the doctors office and WIC appointments like crazy for weight checks and advice.
      I have introduced flaxseed oil once a day into my diet and it has helped tremendously. It makes me burp funny and one pill only lasts half the day but otherwise great. The lactation consultant at WIC has recomended that I get some Mother's Milk Tea on top of the flax but I haven't gotten to the store yet.
      During the time-frame that the flax is in my system, he eats much better and even though he gets distracted by whatever is going on around us, doesn't give up as quickly. Part of his fussing included pinching and grabbing and biting which has also decreased significantly. I have also been able to get more milk more easily when expressing to bottle and send to daycare.
      We actually ended up having enough milk to send him to my mom's on friday which gave me and Hubby all day to destress and hang out! I have been feeling better and better the past few days. Yay me! As long as I don't give up on homework and stuff it is nice to be calm.

First Post

This is the first post to my new blog! I'm hoping this blog will be a place to help me keep track of my crazy life and write on a few topics that interest me as a christian, wife, mother and student....